Thursday 16 October 2014

[ Recently ]

I haven't been updated as I promised, lol.
But, the good thing is. I am back.

I really want to keep this blog thing up to date.
This is something i want to do, so i think i need to push myself harder on post blog more often.
So, I have book the fly ticket from Taipei to Cairns.
And I will be stay in Cairns for 5 day.

Then I will fly to Brisbane, and start to find a job. :P

Cant wait to start my WHV trip.
And I am giving myself a month off before i go.
I want to give myself enough time to prepare everything.
And have some time to say good bye to my friends in taiwan.
Therefore i will be finished my job at the end of October.

That's almost what happen to me lately.
will post more post when i have spare time :P

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