Sunday 9 November 2014

[ YouTube - OREO ]

Here is my Video of my cat "Oreo".

Sometimes Oreo think he is a dog. because he always want to play this game.
So I made a video of him. He is just so cute.

Anyway, I created a Youtube channel - [ AUSventures ] .( Click to SUBSCRIBE !)

And I will be posting more videos before I go to Australia and while i am in Australia, I hope i can have a Vlog posting weekly, or when i got time to post it.

I am trying to put all this together, and it will make it easier for me to posting all the posts or video. so please go and subscribe my youtube channel and follow me on Instagram.

More Info down below. Thank you, :) <3 <3

♥ Vlogs ♥ Taiwan ♥ Australia ♥ WorkingHoliday ♥
♥ Eat ♥ Play ♥ Love ♥ #YOLO ♥
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