Saturday 12 April 2014

[ Waiting ]

I have my visa health examination yesterday.
Which it's just an X-ray taken from the hospital. lol

And now, I have to just wait for Australia immi to send me an e-mail.

Other than that, I'm just working this week,
Next week will be my last week work here. I will be Finishing in 20th.
Also I have my place until end of April, which means I only have ten days to pack my 3 years of life in Taipei.
Then I am moving back to Yunlin ( which is where my family live).

Because there is no point for me to work and earn around NTD$18K and pay like $15K for these months,
Therefore I am moving back til I fly to Australia with Keni.
The other point its that I want to spend some time with my grandma. (love her much xoxo)

So Yeah, time to pack up my stuff and let the life moving on.

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